Uniform and Identity Card


Students are required to attend the college only in prescribed uniform:

  • White Salwar, Kurta and Dupatta, or
  • White Saree and Blouse
  • Students are allowed to come college in civil dress every Saturday.

During winters students are required to wear maroon coloured plain coat, cardigan and shawl.

For B Ed students, white Saree and Blouse are compulsory during the training. At the time of guiding camp, they have to put on white Blouse and navy blue coloured Saree.

Identity Card

All students are required to obtain their identity cards from the college office every year. The students are to carry with them the identity card daily. Library card will be issued on the basis of identity card only.

बी0ए0 द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर और एम0ए0 द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर की समस्त छात्राओं को सूचित किया जाता है कि आपकी समस्त विषयों की कक्षाएं 23.01.2025 से प्रारंभ हो गयीं हैं। छात्राएं अपने-अपने विषय की कक्षाओं में समय-सारिणी के अनुसार अनिवार्य रूप से उपस्थित हों । - प्राचार्या, एन. के. बी. एम. जी. कालेज, चंदौसी