Proctorial Board

Chief Proctor

Prof. Deepa Pathak

Department of Education


Prof. Alka Rani Agrawal



Dr. Sheetal Gahlaut
Department of Sociolog


Dr. Priyanka
Department of Education


MPH, Administrative Block
Ms. Vibha Singh
Department of Hindi


E- Block
Dr. Sheetal Yadav
Department of English


Science Block, Student Centre
Dr. Renu Gupta
Department of Science


Dr. Mamta Sharma
Department of Economics

Proctorial Board Vision

Discipline and good manners are the most important factors for education and training. Peaceful and congenial educational environment contributes to the achievements of the objectives that are basis of national character building. A Proctorial Board is therefore, organized to persuade students to observe perfect discipline.

NKBMG College has a Proctorial system where administration of student related matters pertaining to all acts of indiscipline delegated to the Proctorial Board. The Chief Proctor is assisted by additional proctors of the proctorial board. NKBMG Proctorial Board is chiefly responsible for ensuring that rules and regulation framed by the college are being followed by the students.

Some Specific responsibilities of the Proctorial board are as follows:

  1. To maintain discipline within College Premises class at all times when the college is working.
  2. Monitoring Student Behaviour.
  3. Preventing Political Activities.
  4. Enforcing Identity Card Policy.
  5. Addressing indiscipline related complaints.
  6. Preventing Harassment.
  7. All cases of Indiscipline or indecent behavior of any student, cases of individual/ group harassment, threats, manhandling etc. are dealt strictly by the Proctorial Board.
  8. Students who violate the rules of the Proctorial board may face disciplinary action such as warnings, fines or suspension.

The NKBMG Rules and Regulations are generally followed. However, the Proctorial Board at its discretion can add additional norms or delete existing ones separately depending on the nature and need of the enquiry.

To the Students

The Proctorial Board is conscious of and is concerned about your interests and future. We would help you how to build good character. If anybody harasses you, threatens you, beats you within the college premises then take the help of proctors or chief proctor by reporting the matter to the Board without any hesitation.

बी0ए0 द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर और एम0ए0 द्वितीय एवं चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर की समस्त छात्राओं को सूचित किया जाता है कि आपकी समस्त विषयों की कक्षाएं 23.01.2025 से प्रारंभ हो गयीं हैं। छात्राएं अपने-अपने विषय की कक्षाओं में समय-सारिणी के अनुसार अनिवार्य रूप से उपस्थित हों । - प्राचार्या, एन. के. बी. एम. जी. कालेज, चंदौसी